15 Feb

Apex Trading Account is one of the most popular trader funding programs on the market today. It offers a simple funding process that allows traders to get funded and start trading in minutes without requiring a lot of extra hoops.

Traders have the ability to scale into multiple accounts at once, which is useful if you are looking for an easy way to get started with large positions and lower your risk. They also offer a trade copier that copies your trades to multiple accounts from one DOM.

Funded Trader Contracts: Once the Profit Target and Min Day Traded requirements have been met, you will be sent a funded trader contract. The contracts are fairly simple and go over all of the rules, as well as payout instructions.

The contract is sent out in the early morning hours, and once you have completed the contract, you will be ready to trade your new live account. Once the contract has been submitted, you will receive an email from Apex Trader Funding requesting you to pay the set up/data fee.

Payment Options: As of December 15th, 2022, Apex Trader Funding is offering a new payment option that allows traders to choose between monthly or a one-time fee for their PA accounts. This is a great update, as it allows you to select which payment method suits your needs the best.

Keeping Your First $25K 100% to You: The next big change that Apex has made in their trading account is to allow traders to keep their first 25K profits to themselves without having to split them with the prop firm. This is a fantastic change that will help to boost their overall score with us and will make trading with the company much more rewarding.

7-Day Evaluation: This rule is a huge improvement to their trading platform and makes it much easier for traders to reach their profit goal without having to worry about waiting too long to request their first payout. Previously, funded traders had to wait a full ten days before submitting their first payout request.

New Accounts Will Have a Streamlined Process: As of December 15th, 2022, they have simplified the way that they process funded accounts. The dashboard now features a summary snippet that shows all of the important information, including expiration, profit goal, and drawdown.

During News: The trader dashboard now also shows all of the current news events so that you can be prepared for any surprises. This will help to ensure that you don’t run into any problems while trading your system during these times. Find out more about apex trading by going through futures trader and understanding how it works.

Mini to Micro Ratios: For all of the new PA accounts, the ratios have been updated to include micro sizes (MES/MNQ and ES/NQ are 1/10th of their full size counterparts). This is a huge improvement for traders who don’t want to risk over-trading because of a small margin error in their trades.

Payouts After Seven Days: As of December 15th, 2022, funded traders can now submit their first payout after just seven days of trading. This is a huge upgrade that will definitely improve their score with us and will make it much easier for them to attract new traders.

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